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Buy,Sell,Trade RULES! RULES! RULES! Read First Before Posting Anything Here

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Site Tech
This section has been created so that individuals can sell,buy or swap related products. There are rules regarding this section for posting:
  1. Must have minimum 5 posts.
  2. Must be an individual. Corporations or individuals selling bulk products are strictly prohibited.
  3. HDTimeline cannot be held liable for transactions that occur in this section. Buyer Beware! Not everyone is on the up and up. Be careful when entering into a transaction.
  4. No linking to eBay auctions,personal store or other site.
  5. No email posted on your sell,buy or swap thread,use PM (Private Messaging) features for contact thread starter.
  6. No thread hijacking,if you have similar items for sell or wanna trade, start your own thread. Do not post about your offer in someone else's thread.
  7. Do not make offer what you don't have.
  8. Do not make topics sell and swap things you don't already have.
  9. Members often ask for photos,you should post pictures from current products if possible.
  10. Do not post illustration pictures for current products from the web.
  • Failure to comply with the above rules will result in the removal of your post and possible loss of site privileges.
  • If you have any questions about this rules, please post PRIOR to either posting or engaging in any transaction.
  • Again, HDTimeline cannot be held liable for transactions that occur in this section.
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