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Bored With Twisties On 2 Wheels? - Try This!

At my age, that's fun to watch, but I'll never do it. I'm afraid that you would be able to track my progress by the brown trail I left behind. :lolrolling
I'm just trying to guess the faces under the helmets of the bikers crossing him!

I love the way he swings slowing down before the hairpins....

These people keep you thinking that life can be much more fun if approached in different ways!

Looks cool but just not for me. I would end up flying over a cliff.

That looks like a beautiful place to ride, I would be up for that though.
I'd like to see the accident report from the person running him over. (not that I'd like to see that for sure). How do you explain that to the insurance Co.??????

But, if I was 30 years younger, that'd be one cool ride! I'd need a neck rub and some belly wheels would be good too.
I would be bouncing off the first wall of rock that I came too. But, looks like a heck of a rush though.