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Bike only runs with choke on???

The self help area of the site seems to be missing a lot of the carb stuff but if you look at this one it has a lot of additional info on the cv carb
Harley Davidson Community

The story: I recently got a 2003 sportster from my uncle who has not rode it since last season but it tan good then.

The bike: 2003 sportster 1200c, British custom pipes and stage 1 air kit.

Maintenance: since I got the bike I've drained the gas and put in fresh with seafoam, changed the spark plugs, changed the oil and filter and cleaned the carb.

The carb: has #45 low and #180 main jets. Also it has an adjustable needle set 2 notches from the top, I completely tore apart the carb and cleaned it. The diaphragm is also working properly. I was going to use mr. Data's carb skimming tips but saw it had an aftermarket pin.

The problem: the bike only runs with the enricher 1/2 to all the way out and as soon as pushed in dies immediately. When riding around the block it's popping and spurting. I've adjusted the idle mixture screw from 1-4 turns and not much of a difference. I don't understand if the bike ran fine for 2 years with the upgrades an now it doesn't. Should I get a # 46 low jet and #185 main? When I pulled the new plugs they had some soot but not sure if that's from running with the enricher out.
Terry Leo

Also when at a stand still, if I crack the throttle it dies immediately. I have to ease into the throttle.
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Have you looked in the tank? You sure the petcock isnt clogged with debris or rust. Remove petcock or remove the tank and flush clean. Checked for intake leaks?
Your jetting is fine.
Have you looked in the tank? You sure the petcock isnt clogged with debris or rust. Remove petcock or remove the tank and flush clean. Checked for intake leaks?
Your jetting is fine.

I have not checked the tank, petcock or intake for leaks but will do that. I just filled the tank and put seafoam and I'm assuming I'll need to drain all the for petcock removal correct? How do I go about checking for intake leaks?
ALSO, did you get the little squirter arm on the side of the carb in-place correctly??? that gives the excellerator pump a Squirt of raw gas when twisting the throttle..

Bike Not running to perform this test:

Take off the airfilter and look to see When You twist the throttle all the way open,,,,Do you see a big squirt of raw fuel hitting slide of the carb????

Should look like a Full squirt gun blast coming into the carb fron the little brass squirter standing up tube in front of the slide.

IF not something is wrong there ALSO.

I still think you have a Big air leak, the intake can be checked using a propane tank with nosel UN-LIT.or brake or carb clearner with a little plastic nozzle to spray Right on the carb gasket then the manifold gaskets on the intake. when running IF there is a leak the idle will pick up faster because of the spraying of burnable substance sucking into the leaking gasket...

ALSO, did you get the little squirter arm on the side of the carb in-place correctly??? that gives the excellerator pump a Squirt of raw gas when twisting the throttle..

Bike Not running to perform this test:

Take off the airfilter and look to see When You twist the throttle all the way open,,,,Do you see a big squirt of raw fuel hitting slide of the carb????

Should look like a Full squirt gun blast coming into the carb fron the little brass squirter standing up tube in front of the slide.

IF not something is wrong there ALSO.

I still think you have a Big air leak, the intake can be checked using a propane tank with nosel UN-LIT.or brake or carb clearner with a little plastic nozzle to spray Right on the carb gasket then the manifold gaskets on the intake. when running IF there is a leak the idle will pick up faster because of the spraying of burnable substance sucking into the leaking gasket...


Ok, I did both of your tests!

Test #1
There is no raw fuel coming out of the little brass aquifer standing up in front of the slide. I did the test with bike off, and throttle fully opened multiple times. I did reassemble the little squirt arm on the side of the carb correctly and I also lifted the little boot while performing this test to insure there was a downward movement. I'm assuming the brass squished arm has a hole on the slide aide and not the top as I cannot see it.

Test #2
I put the intake back together and started the bike with the enricher half way out as it will only run this way. I started with a un-lit propane tank and sprayed it all over the carb gasket and then both manifold inlet gaskets. I had no change in rpms in either position. I then used brake clean and had the same results except the motor actually slowed down while spraying the front manifold???
Thanks again and hope to hear back soon.
Terry Leo
The squirter Tip could be plugged (yes, back side facing away from you),,, OR the inner bottom where the plunger DRAWS out the fuel from the bottom of the bowl, May be dirty and clogged... That Pump is needed to get the bike going when twisting the throttle...

Right now You have dirty or worn out parts (plunger cup) in that excellator unit and from here it is difficult to help... May I suggest another KNOWN carb or buy one that is said to be ready...
OR fix the one you have.

Maybe take the carb to a private shop to soak it clean by a mechanic who Knows carbs ASK $$$ first so you don't get Soaked:D.... Hate to say that BUT you have had it apart many times without good results.. :rr

You Need that bike out on the road and RIDE.

Sounds like your accelerator pump isn't working.When you tested for the squirt did you roll the throttle quickly.It must be done rapidly for you to see the squirt.Rolling it slowly you may not see it.Below the squirt arm,on the bottom of the float bowl are 3 small Phillips screws.Remove them and there a diaphragm and 2 small quad rings.Hold your diaphragm to a light to ck. for hole if you can't see any tears or such.In the cap you removed you'll see 2 or 3 holes,can't remember which.Spray those good w/ carb. cleaner.On newer models there is a ball ck. valve in that cap,rattle it(the cap) to hear it move, and make sure the ball is free. You should be able to here it rattling around.On the bottom of the carb. look for the bottom side of the little brass aquifer.Squirt cleaner in there also.You should see it come out the tube at the other end.The hole is just below the top & points toward the slide as you thought.

Sorry Bubbie I was typing while you were.Didn't see your post.


No problem as You gave very good information.. Well put...That was Needed... Maybe he can get it working.

Still think the slow side has some crusties in it up inside the slow tube...

Carb cleaner spray just doesn't get it out like a Hot tank.

The rebuild kit for the carb excellerator can't be too much...:53:
I have not bought carb parts for a long time...

Varnish can build up and take a real toll on a bike that sits as long as this one did.

Reminds me to get my 06 sport R. out soon OR I'll be in the same boat.

Thanks for that Good instruction you gave.
