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Bike has a short


Active Member
I was coming home from work yesterday and turned into my subdivision and pulled in the clutch and bike died. Well with the switch off the wire that goes from the small black block in front of the battery to the voltage regulator jumps and clicks every few seconds and it archs pretty good when you try and hook up the hot to the battery. Can this be caused by the voltage regulator? Any1 else ever have this happen or any suggestions would be highly appreciated? By the way the wire jumps like I stated even with the switch off.

99 twincam 88 EFI

Forgot to mention the 6 blocks I had to push the bike home at over 100 degrees.:bigsmiley29:
If you remove/unground the regulator and unplug the stator plug, this should tell you if there is a ground in the wiring of the bike leading to the regulator. If not, then remount the regulator and try connecting that wire again, then replug the stator and try again. It's a process of elimination doing this. It's possible it's the regulator or the stator at this point.
Turned out the voltage regulator wires running back to the block in front of the battery shorted and took out the voltage regulator. $235.00 for a stupid voltage regulator, there proud of them little suckers!!:shock
Burnt right where it came down from the battery compartment and goes thru the firewall to motor compartment.