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Accessory Instruments (tachs)on 04 Models


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Accessory Instruments On 2004 Models

We have had questions about installing Mini Tachs on the 2004 models. They will work
on models with 5 inch speedometers. 2004 EFI models still have the rpm signal at the
ecm (terminal 3) but we don't route the pink wire to the front any more because we now
get the rpm signal off the data bus. The 2004 ICM (carb models) does not have a signal
terminal available for a Mini Tach. You can get the rpm signal you need, with either fuel
system, by connecting the signal wire to the 5 inch speedometer at terminal 3. You will
need a terminal, part number 74196-04, for the speedo connection. Mini Tach
instruction sheets for 5 inch speedometer vehicles have been updated to include 2004
model information. Kit number 68950-99A,
for XL Custom, will not work on the 2004 model.
The new Speedo/Tach kit recently introduced for 2004 models differs from our other
instruments and will likely have some customers asking questions. The odometer LCD
mileage display remains on at all times, even when the switch is OFF. If shut off while
in Trip mode, the light will go out and the Trip meter will switch to odometer total vehicle
mileage. When the switch is turned back on, it will go back to wherever it was last, Trip
1, Trip 2 or Odometer.
One other difference, the display uses "Trip 1" and "Trip 2" rather than production's "Trip
A" and "Trip B".