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97 FXD No Go

Ok but when battery fully charged and you turn key on it does nothing at all. No horn no nothing. only time can get to do something is when charger is put on it. even then the horn barely makes noise and tack stays up at 8000 does not come back to zero. if i unhook the wire from start switch to coil then the tach goes to zero. Have tried 2 different batteries all do the same. I would think that when a new full charge battery is in there and i turn key it should light something or toot horn or something but acts totally dead. :11:

It sounds like you have a bad connection in either the battery cables at the battery or on the back of the ignition switch. Is it the proper battery for the bike with the + and - on the right ends? Check the fuses too.
Don't overlook a poor electrical connection inside the battery cable end where the fitting is put on to the wire.
When you hot wire it basically by bypassing the key switch it does same thing and the batteries that have been tried are right.
If all is OK and you hot wire it and still a no go, either the solenoid or starter would be indicated then. Maybe try starting it with a pair of jumpers directly from another bike battery (different bike) directly to the big starter lug (+)and ground (-), then bridge the small terminal on the solenoid thus eliminating any bike wiring possibilities. If it starts or at least cranks you have a wiring problem.
Last night I pulled out the starter and bench tested like the book shows and nothing. has a 8 volt drop in it when checked and pegged out the charger that was hooked to yet another battery. Must be the problem