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1974 AMF Harley sx 175 question on battery

You Are correct jack and 2 stroke was the norm for small capacity bikes at that time
I was aware that they exsisted but they were not a big seller here in the uk but i have seen a few

You Are correct jack and 2 stroke was the norm for small capacity bikes at that time
I was aware that they exsisted but they were not a big seller here in the uk but i have seen a few


My kid brother bought one new , nothing but trouble, I put pistons in it twice, the oil injector never worked right, so we pre mixed gas with Marvel Mystery oil LOL:s
I bought this dirt bike from a farmer in as found condition. It has no battery or tray for one but has a spot for one. Should it have one or are they only for electric start? I have never started this bike but plan to work on it tomorrow. He said it was running a year or so ago and it seems to have compression and is not locked up. Any good websites out there that Im not finding? Are these rare and valualbe or not at all? Anything helps. Thanks

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