free website stats program 09 deluxe won't start----HELP! | Harley Davidson Forums

09 deluxe won't start----HELP!


New Member
i was adjusting stock bars and throttle/levers---took bike for testrun and was working fine. I turned it off and now it won't start. The lights and all other electrical lighting working but what i don't hear or see is the startup sound and motor symbol on gauge. Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this problem?
yea everything is on that should be thinkin when i adjusted bars could i have pulled a wire/connector outa place or trigger some kind of kill switch accidentally?
Did you loosen the torx and move the levers?Im thinking you pinched the harnes.Theres a very small window that the harnes comes out.Its real easy to miss that notch and pankake a wire when you tighten it down.
yea everything is on that should be thinkin when i adjusted bars could i have pulled a wire/connector outa place or trigger some kind of kill switch accidentally?

What are the letters (FLSTXXX) for your bike. I have the prints for all 2009's. I will look up the wire colors etc,, if you like in order to figure it out.
hey thanks guys for the suggestions....but after a clearer mind and closer inspection of the fuses it turned out to be ignition fuse--blown!.....well atleast tearin down bike gave me opportunity to clean it up..haha...thanks again....happy trails.:D
hey thanks guys for the suggestions....but after a clearer mind and closer inspection of the fuses it turned out to be ignition fuse--blown!.....well atleast tearin down bike gave me opportunity to clean it up..haha...thanks again....happy trails.:D

Fuses blow for a reason, solve that problem first or it may happen again, dead short I E probable pinched wire:s