It seems that when MOCO specked the job of levers and perches for the 08 dressers, the person in charge gave the new supplier authorization to drill the lever pivot pin hole oversize in error, the result is the lever pivot pin is to small and moves with each clutch pull.
This will over time make the perch or lever wear prematurely and make a clutch cable adjustment incorrect. They will not be retrofitting the 08 dressers as a general rule, but if you complain, they will change to newer version when available under warranty.
Look at the pin move when you pull the clutch in on the 08 bikes to verify this.
This will over time make the perch or lever wear prematurely and make a clutch cable adjustment incorrect. They will not be retrofitting the 08 dressers as a general rule, but if you complain, they will change to newer version when available under warranty.
Look at the pin move when you pull the clutch in on the 08 bikes to verify this.