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Stator Plug Retainer


Veteran Member
The older EVO engines were notorious for the voltage regulator plug working loose and coming off the stator connection on the primary which would eventually lead to a dead battery. It's advisable to install one of these units on the case bolt to keep tension on the stator plug so it can't come loose and cause the problem on all EVO motors.

Stator Plug Retainer
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Too late ! My plug worked loose arcing out and pretty much destroying plug and receptacle. I can wiggle it and get it to make contact for a while but I am pretty much at the point of hardwiring the connection. Has anyone else had the problem and successfully made a repair? I get proper charging voltage when contact is made and hate to go to the expense of replacing both the stator and regulator at this time. (when I do eventually have to I will definitely get a retaining clip)
I made a repair on the road that lasted quite a while. I used a razor to slice off some of the top of the female plug coming out of the case (they get hard with age/heat). Then I pried the round male prongs open a bit (they're hollow) so they would fit tighter. If your female plugs are fried too bad for the above, you might try making shims from a soda can or something like. If all else fails, remove the primary cover and hardwire a new connector of your choosing in.

P.S. The bike I repaired was a '91, so I think it has the same plug as yours?