We made it there and back without much trouble. As luck would have it we were driving against the south wind on the way there and Mother Nature had the twisted sense of humor to have us coming back with a northwest wind. Tempted to turn around and go back when we hit South Dakota since temps started dropping from there and kept dropping i all the way home.
Managed to get in a little riding while camped for 15 days in Winterhaven, California just across the river from Yuma. The first 4 days in Arizona we'd camped just out of Apache Junction but the weather wasn't the best and couldn't get a decent campsite to make it worth off loading the bike.
While around Yuma we stopped in at the Yuma Territorial Prison, the Yuma Proving Grounds military museum, Cloud Museum (antiques cars) in Bard California, Castle Dome Museum and even walked across to Algodones Mexico for some shopping. Found out my wife's idea of a short ride wasn't the same as mine when we took a ride up to Quartzsite. Her backside was a little numb by the time we got back to our camp site.
Still chuckle about the sales pitch from one young lady in Algodones. She told me the vests and t-shirts were "rain proof and bullet proof". So I said while laughing "you mean to tell me they'll stop a bullet". She said "sure, we can try them out. If it works I'll give you your money back".
Lots of pictures taken and uploaded to my facebook page but still need to download to my computer to resize for this site.
We're talking of going for 3 months next winter so we'll see if that works out.