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We just returned from 4,000 mi. trip to Laughlin NV. river run and other than cold and windy ride home it was great. I made a very bad mistake while out there, I had my wife sit on a new Victory Pitboss trike. She thought it was just perfect for her. We have been tossing around the idea of a second bike, now trike for her. Any info on do's and don't for trikes would be helpful. The Victory is a little pricey, around 25,000. I would like to talk her into something like a V-Rod trike. Used low mileage V-Rods are very reasonable. Anybody know places that do trike conversions reasonable let us know. Thanks everybody...........iowatree
check just about any harley magazine there are all kinds of company's producing parts many you can do yourself.
I built a trike back in 2000 for a very small lady friend of mine. It was a Moto Trike kit from Troup, Texas. Once I threw their stupid directions away, and just sat down and figured it out it was really no big deal.:D I`m serious, you could not make any sense of the instructions they sent with the kit. To this day I would NOT recommend a Moto-Trike kit. By the way a 1200 sporty makes a fine little rig!:s
I had my Road King Classic triked last year,Have E-type Jaguar wheels on back,gp racing car suspension, reverse gear fitted, cost £12,000 for conversion.
