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Questions from 1000 mile trans. service

Dr. Dolittle

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Doing a couple of my own things for the 1000 mile service this morning - switching to Mobil One Synthetic motor oil and Spectro 6 Speed Transmission fluid. Motor oil/filter change went without a hitch. Got a couple questions about the transmission service, though:

1) After draining the fluid, I was looking in the catch pan and it almost looked like I'd been panning for gold! Little tiny gold colored particles on the bottom of the pan, gritty in texture when I ran my fingers around in them. Normal? I'm thinking this is the residue from "breaking in" the transmission and this is the reason you change the fluid and replace with nice, clean stuff. Am I close or do I need to be concerned?

2) Poured in the service manual recommended amount of Spectro and when I checked the level after letting it sit around 5 minutes, it was slightly above the full mark. Service manual says this MAY cause leaking but doesn't mention anything harmful to the actual transmission. Rode the bike up to the gas station and back with no ill symptoms and no leaks evident anywhere. Do I need to get the baster out and suck some of the fluid out or is this no big deal?

1. The panning for gold thing would be a concern to me in any sizable quantity.
If it were gear material like when using the syn 3 in the trans or breakin , it wouldn't be gold in color, it would attract to the magnet in the trans and not float free being a ferrous metal (gear material).
I would service the trans and put some miles on it and drop the oil again to check it out. You probably have no idea the last time service done on the trans in any event.

2. The over fill is no big problem, however I would lower the level to the correct level on the dipstick resting on the threads and not screwed in to the case.

I bought the bike new in Feb so this was definitely the first time the tranny fluid had been changed. I wouldn't say the gritty, golden stuff was "sizeable" in quantity by any means. It was visible and you could feel it, though. Just to be safe, I'll probably change it again around 2,500 miles (it's got 1,300 now) and give it another good look. Dang, hate to do that with Spectro in there - not exactly cheap!
The level was just above the full mark with the dipstick resting on the threads, just like the manual directs. Next time I won't just pour in the 32 ounces as directed. About 2/3 of the quart and then keep checking and adding should do it.

Oh, one more thing. If the magnet is the black thing on the end of the drain plug, it was perfectly clean and clear of any material.
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Yes, that's the magnet on the end of the plug.
I didn't realize we were talking about new here, my mistake. You may want to save that drained trans oil if you haven't dumped it yet. I still don't like the gold flecks in the oil.

You could always pick up a quart of Mobil 75/90 for about $9 and drain that in a few miles down the road and install the spectro to see what comes out.
Now that I have everyone scratching their heads, I feel like a total fool. Light bulb came on while showering after some yardwork - I drained the motor oil and the tranny fluid at the same time into the same pan. I have no idea why I jumped to the conclusion that the stuff came out of the transmission - could just as easily come out of the motor. Is this normal "break in" type residue for a second oil/filter change at 1,300 miles? I still have the milk jug with the old fluids (both of them) so I think I'll run it through a strainer and try to separate this stuff out and show it to my mechanic tomorrow. I'll let you know if it's something significant.
First change will always have some debris.As long as it's running/shifting well I'd just keep an eye on it.One thing,the 6 speed is to be checked on the jiffy stand,hot and screwed into the case.Honestly I don't check it unless there's a puddle under the bike.Just put in a quart and let 'er rip.
First change will always have some debris.As long as it's running/shifting well I'd just keep an eye on it.One thing,the 6 speed is to be checked on the jiffy stand,hot and screwed into the case.Honestly I don't check it unless there's a puddle under the bike.Just put in a quart and let 'er rip.

I had a strong feeling that was true but I needed to hear it from someone with your background and experience. It ran/shifted fine but it was only to the gas station and back to fill up. Tomorrow I take it over to my indy mechanic for the rest of the 1000 mile service so that will be a good test and I'll let him know about it also.
First change will always have some debris.As long as it's running/shifting well I'd just keep an eye on it.One thing,the 6 speed is to be checked on the jiffy stand,hot and screwed into the case.Honestly I don't check it unless there's a puddle under the bike.Just put in a quart and let 'er rip.

The 07- get the trans checked with the dipstick resting on the threads, not screwed in to the case .
I may sound a bit dumb here but I figure it better to go ahead and ask to see what is said here. I have 500 miles on my '08 nightster and I checked the oil the other day after running for a bit and the oil is very bubbly, does this sound normal? The oil level was fine but the bubbles raised an eyebrow. Also there seems to be, to me, alot of engine noise and I noticed Hobbit mentioned knocking on his, but has stopped. What was the cause?