Doing a couple of my own things for the 1000 mile service this morning - switching to Mobil One Synthetic motor oil and Spectro 6 Speed Transmission fluid. Motor oil/filter change went without a hitch. Got a couple questions about the transmission service, though:
1) After draining the fluid, I was looking in the catch pan and it almost looked like I'd been panning for gold! Little tiny gold colored particles on the bottom of the pan, gritty in texture when I ran my fingers around in them. Normal? I'm thinking this is the residue from "breaking in" the transmission and this is the reason you change the fluid and replace with nice, clean stuff. Am I close or do I need to be concerned?
2) Poured in the service manual recommended amount of Spectro and when I checked the level after letting it sit around 5 minutes, it was slightly above the full mark. Service manual says this MAY cause leaking but doesn't mention anything harmful to the actual transmission. Rode the bike up to the gas station and back with no ill symptoms and no leaks evident anywhere. Do I need to get the baster out and suck some of the fluid out or is this no big deal?
1) After draining the fluid, I was looking in the catch pan and it almost looked like I'd been panning for gold! Little tiny gold colored particles on the bottom of the pan, gritty in texture when I ran my fingers around in them. Normal? I'm thinking this is the residue from "breaking in" the transmission and this is the reason you change the fluid and replace with nice, clean stuff. Am I close or do I need to be concerned?
2) Poured in the service manual recommended amount of Spectro and when I checked the level after letting it sit around 5 minutes, it was slightly above the full mark. Service manual says this MAY cause leaking but doesn't mention anything harmful to the actual transmission. Rode the bike up to the gas station and back with no ill symptoms and no leaks evident anywhere. Do I need to get the baster out and suck some of the fluid out or is this no big deal?