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primary chain


If some one tells you that you can put synthetic oil in your primary chain crank case.WRONG sythetic is too slick and does not have the vicosity as regular oil that is designed for it. All it does ,it makes your clutch slip the minute I went to regular oil all was fine.
You can put synthetic in the primary but I'll stick with dino oil in there. The results of synthetic oil in the primary are not appearant right away.
I just got my nightster back from the shop due to major clutch issues. The symptoms started with the clutch slipping. I ended up having replace a trashed clutch. I always had my services done at the dealership at the proper milage intervals and they always put HD SYN3 in everything. I switched to Hd Formula +,during my issues. Is it possible my troubles had a bit to do with the procedure of synthetic fluid in my primary for two years? I've been starting to wonder after my research here.

I just got my nightster back from the shop due to major clutch issues. The symptoms started with the clutch slipping. I ended up having replace a trashed clutch. I always had my services done at the dealership at the proper milage intervals and they always put HD SYN3 in everything. I switched to Hd Formula +,during my issues. Is it possible my troubles had a bit to do with the procedure of synthetic fluid in my primary for two years? I've been starting to wonder after my research here.


While it's difficult to say after the fact what caused the problem with the clutch unless it was burnt from overheating, it's possible that the Syn 3 caused slippage in the clutch that you weren't' aware of and that could have contributed to the problem. Most people wouldn't be aware of a small amount of slippage as they were riding if it wasn't enough to detect but it will take it's toll on the clutch given a longer time period of slippage.