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Motorcycle Dash Cam


I'm looking for a dash cam to use on my 17 RG. Does anyone have any suggestions for dash cam with good video stabilization, along with the ability to record while charging? 1080 or 4k resolution.
I use a GOPRO, but there are others, right down to a low cost camera that does video.
I had read where others had it mounted to the center of the fairing for the least amount of vibration, that I found to be true as long as you were above idle, under acceleration there was some vibration. And I used a insulated cable to secure it to a screw for the windscreen, just incase the sticky tape for the mounting adapter failed. Never had the problem.
After a few trips I mounted on top of my helmet, best place for no vibration and you can pan left - right, up down or into the mirrors.
I used this one for a year Very good image except at idle . The idle vibration finally caused the mount to break. Now I have this one. Fair image, and much lighter, so the mount should not break. Both are mounted low on the inside of my Electra Glide windshield and are terrible at idle, but I use the cam for accident record, not personal viewing (which is mega boring to watch a road trip). I don't understand your "record while charging" comment. Both cameras run off bike elec., with a tiny battery backup.