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Milliampere Draw Test


BOT Machine
Posted by "Chopper"...

Be sure accessories are not wired so they stay on at all
times. This condition could drain battery completely if vehicle
is parked for a long time. Check for this by connecting ammeter
between negative battery terminal and battery.

1. Connect ammeter between negative
battery terminal and battery. With this arrangement, you
will also pick up any regulator drain.
2. With ignition key switch turned to OFF and all lights and
accessories off, observe amperage reading.
a. Add regulator draw to appropriate
value for TSM/TSSM/ECM. If sum is less than reading
observed on ammeter, draw is within limits.
b. A higher reading indicates excessive current draw.
Any accessories must be considered and checked
for excessive drain.

A battery with a surface discharge condition could suffer a
static drain. Correct by cleaning battery case.

Milliampere Draw Test
Regulator 0.5
TSM (non security models) 0.5
TSSM (disarmed) 0.5
TSSM (armed) 3.0
ECM (EFI models) 1.0