This morning on my way to work I stopped at a set of red lights and noticed my oil pressure light flickering. I immediately checked my manual gauge which verified that I had no oil pressure at idle. When I drove to where I could stop and check things out the most pressure that I could get on my manual gauge was 8 psi. It was a cool morning, about 36 degrees, and was only about 3 minutes away from home. I did an oil change (HD 20w50 and HD filter) 2 weeks ago and it has worked great until today. The oil level was correct. After work I got my wife to come with the truck and give it a ride home so I could tear into it. The only damage I found was to both cam tensioner pads. The secondary one was quite worn, and the primary one had obvious signs of wear already. All the o-rings appeared to be in great condition. When I disassembled the oil pump everything looked fine, there was a gap of .002" between the inner and outer georotors on the scavenging set and .0025" on the feed set. I tried to remove the high pressure relief valve, but am unable to get it out of the housing so I will get my dealer to do that when I have them replace the secondary cam tensioner for me. If this valve had been stuck closed at it appears to be, that would have caused excessive pressure if anything. Does anyone have any suggestions? My latest thought is that maybe the oil filter collapsed. I have seen this on semi's before. The bike has approx 18,000 miles on it. I am going to install new o-rings everywhere when it goes back together, as well as a new wave washer in the oil pump.