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K&N Filter Maintenance


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Some questions have come up about the care of the K&N stage 1 filters used on these bikes.

Be sure first off that the filter you have NEEDS oil. The standard stage 1 filter from HD is a paper filter that does not get oiled but can be washed. You can usually distinguish between the two in that the HD filter looks like paper compared to a look of gauze in the K&N filter.

When oiling the K&N after cleaning and letting it AIR DRY, you just put a line around the center of the filter then let it wick out and touch up a tad if there are any white areas but don't over oil it or it makes a mess on the engine. There's also a spray can of the K&N oil to recharge the filters, it's a bit more user friendly and easier to use. Usually found in auto parts stores.
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