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Frame Protection


BOT Machine
Here's a product I have been using for a while to protect areas that are prone to chipping on the front of the frame from the cast off of the front wheel.

The surface is cleaned well of any wax or contaminants and then this is applied after cutting to shape by removing the paper on the back of the product. A wetting agent is used so it can be moved into the exact position that you want it to be in, then the wetting agent is squeegeed out to make the final adhesion to the surface.

I used it on the cross member under the regulator on my RK and it protects the powder coat there so it doesn't chip and start to rust, it always retains the new look .

Very easy application not only on the frame but other places on the bile too. It comes in different widths and is sold by the foot.
Item #77892 - 4"wide

Car Care, Detail Supplies, 800-345-5789

Here's the different widths that it comes in...

Positioning Spray, 4 Ounces & Squeegee - Griot's Garage
