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Brake light trouble 07 Nightster


New Member
My brake lights are stuck on ( I'm brand new to the Harley experience since I just got mine about a month ago). Does some one have a pics of where the brake light switches and connections are so I can disconnect and see which switch is stuck.
Depress the brake lever on the bars and look up in there, you'll see the brake light switch. If you changed levers or something like that, it's probably broken off.

Pick up a factory manual from the dealer if you are going to be working on your own ride.
My lights were staying on, but my trouble was the return spring in the master cylinder. I took the spring out and strechted it a bit. Works fine now but I do have a new m/c kit in stock to install.
I found the switch and solved the problem thanx everyone. The previous owner changed both the grips ang the bars and in the process damaged the switch. I put a little shim between the lever and the switch everything is good.
Kagan13, good job sorting out the problem, and yes it is common problem when grips, switches and controls are serviced that the shim specified in the manual is forgotten. The good news is you are one up on the previous owner and much more diligent by doing your homework, prepping proper tools and organizing your procedures before jumping in and the satisfaction of doing it yourself! :cheers